Thursday, December 02, 2004

Legos in Paradise.

Alright, Just a few items of note.

1) I held a $54,000 deposit in my hands today (again, mail that should NOT have reached our trailer). So that was exciting for me.

2) Josh is responsible for the Link o' the Day, and the title of this blog. Legos are something that I hold very dear to my heart. I was one of those kids who just had buckets and tubs full of 'em. And you may not know it, but great things are still being done with them. May I please direct your attention to The Brick Testament. That's right folks, its our favorite biblical stories, acted out in slideshow form, all in lego. You'll just have to take my word for it, this is WORTH checking out.

And on the same page, I have this Crazy Lady's Church. 75,000 legos and more than 2 years. This also is, At Least, 5 minutes well spent. One of my favorite pictures is the ones that show the shadows... it's not the most impressive for the lego/detail part of things, but just the idea there are intricate shadows cast strikes me as ridiculous.

3) The question of the day, is not a quote, because I think it's Scott's turn again to post a quote if he so feels, seeing that he won the last one. Here's the classic, age old question:

If you had a band,
what would it's name be.
After you pick the band name,
it up to everyone else to describe
what genre/music style you are.
So here's mine to start you off.
My band name would be....
{Drum Roll}...

Eat the Elderly.

And now its up to you to determine the style of my band. And now to get back to work 'cause thats all I got for today.


Anonymous said...

w00t! First post!

Ok, this is a funny question, and will completely reveal my dorkiness. I am a gamer. I dont just mean video games. We're talkin D&D, Vampire, that sorta thing. And my V:tM character is actually a musician with a band. That band's name is Nonexistant. So there you have it. Do with that what you will.


Anonymous said...

Formed many, many years ago, by a group of people with no musical talent whatsoever, my band's name was "Static Lightning". No, I wasn't sober when I thought of that, but boy I thought it was the COOLEST name EVER.

That, ladies & gentlemen, is the reason I don't drink anymore.

Rob, I'm guessing your band's style would be Acid Polka?

Punk Rock Girl-

Anonymous said...

Some friends in high school had a band called Green Army Giants....

Anyway, is a website that has a batman "episode" so to say that is worked out all in legos!


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Eat the Elderly would definitely be somewhere in the hardcore genre, but they wouldn't be very good. They're not very good because they're stupid high school kids who are trying WAY too hard to be hardcore. Hence the overzealous name.

I'm not even sure I should start talking about this topic, as it consumes almost 67% of my brain function on any given day. I will very frequently say or hear something odd and then say, "I'm going to start a band and call it _______." Which is actually a very Dave Barry thing to do, but that is neither here nor there.

The point is that I have taken to actually writing those names down. So now I have a couple pages of really terrible band names. And a few good ones. Let's see...

Once I saw a band called "The Oliver Twist Band," which is a sucky name for a band. If you have to tell us you're a band, your name sucks. But turn it around and you get...Twisted Oliver. Yeah, that's good. Of course, the Ryder brothers have their acoustic brother rock band "Alone Together." That's a good one. "Signal for No One" would be a great emo band. Lynette gave me that one. Recently, I've been thinking about striking out on my own, but I don't want to use my own name. Dashboard broke the mold on that one. So I'm thinking I'll be "A Pawn's Gambit."

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. But now, this reply is longer than any of my recent posts. So I'm done talking now...

Scott said...

Ever since I ran across it in Botany, I've always thought the Foxglove derivative, Digitalis sounds like a pretty good band name. (Although now that I think about it "The Foxglove Derivative" is a pretty good name, but not what I intended to post.)

Also, watching Reno 911 one of the characters said "He's like a little Death Leprachaun" and I was like "That'd make a good band name" not half a second later one of the other characters on the show uttered "That's a wicked awesome band name" I have wittnesses. Brand new episode, no way I could have known.

Man, what 7 1/2 hours of television a day can do for your mental reflexes. Or maybe I should ask what CAN'T 7 1/2 hours of TV a day do for your mental reflexes? Answer me that and I'll show you a green dog. - Scott

P.S. Eat the Elderly would be a folk rock band formed from the survivers of the movie "Alive".

Scott said...

Oh yeah, I can't think of a quote. So I differ my vote to Tim. Who has never won, that I remember, and never contributed a clever quote to this little game. - Scott

Anonymous said...

My friend Laurie showed me the Brick Testament awhile back. It's hysterical! Evidently you can also buy the book now, too.
-Jon C

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Okay, I guess the quote thing has been ceded to me, which is odd, because most of my favorite 80's movies have already been mentioned. So I consulted my friends (i.e. the two ladies who were in my room at the time. Yeah, that's right. There were two of them...) and then checked the IMDB. So here we go:

"Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K."

I hope that's not too obvious. But it probably is. ...sigh... Let's talk about band names some more. I'm good at that game.

Anonymous said...

Wow, C'mon brother, I think you got cheated out of your fair share of the 80's. This is clearly from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Sorry to say, but I just went and I feel bad winning off my brother that fast, I'm going to ceed my turn back to T so hopefully I can win off him again.
And now we turn to band names, First order of business, Eat the Elderly would be the hardest show that you could still take your parents to. An amped up folk rock show, featuring a new obscure instrument pulled from a hat each night. Will it be the spoons? The mandolin? The brass knuckles on pipe? What is he going to pick.
I've also heard Rob speak of this band numerous times, which is one of the many hazards of his friendship. I can say that the benefit is a commanding grasp on 80's films. He does have a plan to name all his albums, Eat Grandma, Eat Grandpa, Eat the Old Cat, ect, ad nauseum. Or maybe those will all be song titles on the same album for a truely wrong concept album. Beats me, but take all this out on Rob, he said it first.
So far, I am a part of "Alone Together", and "88 INC", which are both free for interpretation. Lately I've been thinking about renaming my solo side project, originally "Joshua vs. Jericho" to something else, just because I really don't want my name in the project. I"ll have to get back to you. Hmmm, maybe "Pennies for Ender"?

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Dang it, Josh! See, I knew I would suck at this game. Man, since when do you know Bill and Ted's quotes? I don't recall that ever being shown in the Ryder household. Mom would definitely have decried it as stupid. But she said the same thing about Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Bah. Shows how much she knows.

Okay, since it's been ceded back to me, I'm going to give it another shot. I think this one will be harder. So here we go:

"Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb, uh... guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and, uh, guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don't matter, the second one you're kinda forced to deal with."
"Translate. That some sort of threat?"

Yeah...good quote. Let's see if you can get this one, stupid Greek-talking brother!

Anonymous said...

You choose a Ryder Family classic for your quote? Even Jimmy Chipwood could get this quote. Hoosiers, geeze, and that's right, I do read greek. Anyone want to mess with my future active indicative verb forms? Anyone? I didn't think so, sigh....Sometimes I feel like I just won the tri-state D and D championship, and that's bad news.
-your brother

Timmy Tapeworm said...


Anonymous said...

Again, Wow, after that through crushing of my brother I've got another quote availble for perusing. It's from a fine 80's film, a little different then what we've been seeing thought. Here you are you little goonies:

I'm staying! You hear that, New York? THE FROG IS STAYING!

My first pick was "The Cutting Edge", but that was released in 1992, who knew?

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Oh, it's on now, beyotch. That quote is clearly from the Jim Henson classic "The Muppets Take Manhattan." Yeah! How does it feel now, punk! Get to class!

And you actually wanted to quote "The Cutting Edge?" Come on, bro. I mean, I love a good "gruff injured hockey player-turns-figure skater love story" as much as the next guy, but by the time TCE came out, the whole genre was just a cliche.

Anonymous said...

Brother, now that we've taken over this post for ourselves I'm sensing some hostility. Don't be angry at me because you're really angry at your father. And if you're so slick, mister rubber-burner, let's have that next quote, because your first two were great. I was going to quote from Rad, but I thought that might be too tough.
whatever, I'm off to do really cool things, like buy awesome greek texts, sigh....

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Yeah, we have kind of appropriated this post for our own usage. I blame Rob for not giving us one of his hilarious daily updates. What will it be today, Rob? More crazy stuff from the mail? Some hilarious link? I can hardly stand the anticipation.

Okay, this is probably another really easy quote, but I think it's worth laying down, if nothing else to remember the masterpiece that contains it:

"This damn bike. I hate this bike. I hate this frigging bike. Stupid bike."

Ah...teen angst, 80's style. I love it.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

I really wanted to quote Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, but the only thing the IMDB had was Ozone saying, "Girls are whack, man" which, because of its universal truth, could have come from anywhere. The original Breakin' wasn't much better. All it had was Ozone saying, "FOOL!" Such national treasures should be preserved better.

Anonymous said...

Alright Rob...I think your blog followers are a little disappointed in you today. Here we sit day in and day out waiting with intense anticipation for that next fix that next moment that next tremendous post by you. Today you have let us down. While it may be friday it is no excuse to ignore your duties! Those of us with jobs that are boring need some sign of humor throughout our day, without it we are nothing.

Also, because of your lack of dedication your site is turning into a bitch fest with tweedle dee and teedle dum here debating over who has the better quote.

I got an 80s classic movie quote for ya boys.....

"Who's that?"
"Stray dog."
"What are we gonna do?"
"Get in the car and run him over!"

have fun with that one! ;)
