Monday, December 06, 2004

Some days, All I want to be is a Missing Person.

Yeah, that title... Its on a T-Shirt. A T-Shirt that I'm wearing right now. Where did this-Shirt come from? I'm not so sure. I'm gonna say "Mom" on this one. All I know is that it was on my bed last night when I got home. So yeah, that means it's the theme for this monday and for the blog.

And enough of that theme. Lets move to Mike Tyson's Punch Out. That's right, I have, through the magic of emulation, Mike Tyson's Punch Out on my computer at work. This is THE new thing at work. As a going away present to Tim, I'm gonna make sure he has all the classics... Excitebike, Mario, Tetris, you know - the whole nine yards. So gues why this is a short post, and what I did all through my first break of the day. Yeah, that's right, Soda Popinsky is going down.

No Quote for the day... Even Better:
What special talent did Molly Ringwald have in The Breakfast Club?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

She could put her lipstick in her cleavage and apply it to her lips, correctly.


Anonymous said...

Easy, she could put lipstick on without the benefit of her hands. I wouldn't want to cheapen the beauty of Molly Ringwold by trying to describe the sheer power of that scene, check it out.
What specific firearm did Anthony Michael Hall bring with him to school that landed him in Saturday Morning detention?
Bada Bing.

Rob said...

A Flare Gun.
I believe a certain friend of mine has a flare gun of his own - have you ever put that to use yet, Joshua?

This movie takes place in a specific town in Illinois, which one?

Scott said...

Double pfft, Des Plaines, Illinois. Here's one, did any other anal retentive people with social security number knowledge notice that Brian Johnson's social security number begins with 049? That's not Illinois at all! Where the hell is this kid from? Riddle me that - Scott

P.S. I know the answer...HA!

Rob said...

Alright Scotty... I've got a bone to pick with you. I was thinking to myself, "Des Plaines, really? Is it possible that I was wrong??" So what do I do? I pop in the movie... 'cause its the very first spoken line in the movie. What's this? The name of the highschool is the opening shot of the movie, and yes, the first spoken words are from the brainy kid narriator (Brian) stating the day and location. So, I was left trying to figure out where this 'Des Plaines' comes from.

So I googled it - low and behold, 90% of the websites say "Filmed primarily in Des Plaines" (as well as Northbrook, IL). And Des Plaines isn't even mentioned anywhere in the movie - so how could Scott have confused these two towns...

I'm calling you out you google cheat! Comeing back at me with a condesencing attitude and some SS# quips. You've cut me Scotty, you cut me deep.

Anonymous said...

YES! I actually know this one- I suck at this quote game, but this one I know for sure. And I know everyone else knew that one too... but I don't care- don't try and steal my thunder!


Scott said...

Alright I admit it, I googled it. But only because I wanted to drop that SS# knowledge. Which I DID procure through legitimate sources, ie. my father. So I apologize, somehow someday with help I might get better. OH GOD FORGIVE ME!

Although your heartfelt "I'm so betrayed" speech could have been better if you spelled "condescending" right. Although it was pretty blatant of me to cheat then act arrogant. But what can I say, I'm a bit too bold for my own good sometimes. So I'll say it: My bad. In fact, I'm going to buy you one of those giant checks to make up for it. Sound good? - Scott

P.S. I hope that wasn't too ovbious an attempt to buy you off. If so, I apologize. How does TWO giant checks sound?

Rob said...

alright, two checks it is. You fake arrogant bastard. We'll call it a deal and I'll think about claiming you as family again.

Scott said...

Sommmmmmebody takes his blogging seriously. But if that's what it takes to get in the good graces of the 'family' again it must be done. I don't want to wake up with a horse head in my bed. Although I don't think you'd actually kill a horse for that, so probably I should say "I don't want to wake up with the head of a squrriel you found in the road already dead in my bed."

Mr. Serious...geez.

- Scott

Rob said...

Ever had "The Perfect Prank" all ready and planned... just to have the intended victim to become wise? Even if he's not sure or really suspecting it to happen, but just enough that it would dampen the effect because he beat you to the punch...

Dammit, thanks a lot Scott.

Anonymous said...

I can say that I have used the flare gun of mine, and it's awesome, but I was sure to use it "only in a dire emergency". Don't you worry about that.

The flare even burns underwater, not that I would know firsthand.