Monday, December 20, 2004

"Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays..."

Alright, so here I am. At work. Again. Do you know who is not? Kim or Jen or Melinda. So that sucks. Ok, time for some audience participation. I'm gonna put up a picture for you guys, so what would you like to see pictures of?? I'll post them tonight after I get home (9ish). I could put up pictures from work (my cubical and the tree), of some of my co-workers, of Ro, or of anything else. I'm going to leave it up to you all. Whatever gets the most votes, that's what I'll do. I'm all for making this as interactive as possible. I keep up the triva and quotes 'cause you guys seem to like it, I post everyday 'cause either Breyn, Tim, Trevor or Ro will MAKE SURE to remind me that I hadn't yet (for today's reminder, you can all thank Tim). I'll even do more interview type posts if it's what you want. So for today, I want to know what you'd like to see pictures of. And then we'll take it from there.

For now I've been up to my usual mischief, I'll release details about that as the story unfolds. And I also got my orange belt on Saturday. That puts me one step closer to "Ninja Assassian." My day will come, oh yes, it will come.

And the foot is doing much better now. the swelling is going away (as is the pain) and the bruise is fading. It's no longer Black and Deep Purple... think more Yellowish and Gray. So it's either healing or decomposing - either way, it looks a bit better.

And the trivia for the day!
What brand and color of underwear is Marty wearing in Back to the Future?


Anonymous said...

ok so i may only know have of the trivia question...i know his underwear was Calvin Klein cuz she kept calling him Calvin thinking it was his name written on gonna guess they were red..just a shot in the dark.

As for pictures i would like to make a vote of what I would NOT like to see posted....Rob's foot again (feet are freakishly ugly and disgusting, Rob's particularly), anything that would feature maming, blood, bone splintered, exposed tissue and needles, and please no pictures of Rob where more then 25% of his skin is exposed....clothes were invented for a reason.

Breyn =)

Anonymous said...

I concur with Breyn on what NOT to see....I for one would like to see pictures of Rob and Ro together (as I have known Rob for 4ish years now, but have not yet seen or met Ro. And, as far as I'm concerned, any one who could date Rob and not kill him should be a saint :)...Love ya Rob! Pictures of your awesome easily assembled plastic tree would be good too...since Christmas is in 4 1/2 days!


Anonymous said...

I also would like to see a picture of Ro. I also agree with the no injured limb pictures policy.

Anonymous said...

I am apparently the voice of dissent, as I enjoy seeing injury pictures and videos. Of course, even I have my limits. for instance, would fall under the yeech column. But the foot was cool. Remind me of my chest when I tried out for an indy wrestling fed. Wasn't so much taste the rainbow...more like feel it on your chest.

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I know this one. I know this post is WAY overdue, but I don't care. The underwear was Calvin Klein. Or... Tommy Hilfiger.... because Marty's mom was making fun of him for having his name all over his underwear. HA! I have no idea what color it was, and I'm gonna lean towards the Calvin Klein... so I semi-answered this trivia question. I rock.
