Thursday, December 23, 2004

Away in a manger... no... wait.

Away in a pick-up, no crib for a bed.
The little boy Timex, laid down his big head.
His Father had traded, him in for a bird.
How can this sad story, become more absurd...

And now, the dramatic conclusion of:

The Story of Tim

Dickies and Diane Bundy went home that night with their new Tweety Bird and placed him in Timex's old crib. Diane was quite fond of her new baby, this child didn't scream, nor did he mess himself. And considering Diane had to clean up Dickies all the time, she wasn't a big fan of having to clean a baby as well. So as far as we need to be concerned, the story of Dickies and Diane is over, they lived happily ever after... but Timex’s is far from it.

Tim was now raised by John Beiser, the Hook-handed Carnie Folk. Tim never had a real solid mother figure in his life... I mean, there were lots of women in John's life, and therefore quite a few women in and out of Tim's life as well. Most of them were fellow carnies and if you put them all together you were lucky to get a full set of teeth. John had taught Tim to use a video camera by the age of 6 so that he could help make the "mommy and daddy" videos. But Tim never complained, the most of the women treated him pretty well. Note this is in contrast to the beatings with the sock of Jollyranchers. He often earned this whenever he did anything wrong, did anything better than John could do it, or it was Tuesday night.

When Tim was 9 years old, something happened that would help shape the rest of his life. John had accidentally left Tim in a dumpster as the carnival was packing up and left with out little Tim. Now this wasn’t the life changing event, as a matter a of fact, this could be considered a common occurrence. No, it was when the police found Tim, it was the day of the Community Outreach Program (C.O.P.) Seeing that Tim’s dad was yet to be located the officers figured it would be alright to take the special boy to the Festivities. It was there they gave Timmy the greatest gift of all. They made him an honorary police officer. They pinned the badge to his shirt and put a hat on his head. They ended up not having any hats that would fit, so they affixed a chinstrap to one of the hats to make it stay atop Tim’s Ginormous head. Tim played basketball with the other officers, played with K-9 Unit, Played Cops n’ Robbers (he was the cop) and all sorts of good things. To top the night off he got to ride in a police car, got his picture taken as well as his finger prints and was able to stay all night in a jail cell. What our poor hero had somehow missed was that he was in fact never REALLY a cop. And the other officers weren’t “playing games” as much as he was. You see, after the basketball game, Tim decided to play cops n’ robbers. And this is where things went horribly wrong… He managed to get the gun out of an officer’s holster and in the end… had killed the Police Dog and left 5 people injured. It was a black day in the little community, but still one of the happiest in Tim’s life.

Now Tim was sent to a place where there were other children like him, and he spent the next 12 years of his life there. He made a lot of friends and grew quite fond of Mac & Cheese. He never saw his real father, or Carnie-Dad again, but lets face it, he never knew what was going on around him anyways. Which brings us to current day. Timmy is doing quite well with himself, although he never has given up his dream of being a police officer. He is currently in a “Re-Integration Program” and working at American Water. He is pretty well received amongst his co-workers, and is happy. Happiness in an “Ignorance is Bliss” Doesn’t realize that we all laugh at him and his huge noggin’ sort of Happiness, but happiness nonetheless.

The End.

Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

::sigh:: ::tear:: I just love a happy ending. It just gave me such warmfuzzies inside to hear of this wonderful re-integration program our society has put into place for poor souls like Tim. I would suggest him becoming the spokes person for it but I'm afraid the freakishly large head of his would send the wrong message to the American people. We don't like weirdos.

Tim..have you ever considered going back to the carnival life? I bet you could make some change with that head of yours. Possibly a stand of "Guess the circumferance of Timmy Timex's head". Or anyone who can bring in a piece of fruit bigger then Tim's head gets them and their family in the event for free. Just some suggestions!

Breyn =)

Anonymous said...

Blissfully ignorant and happy that way...sounds like the perfect democratic presidential candidate....and a freak too! WOW...he's perfect for the democratic candidate!


Anonymous said...

Well, I am glad that you all are entertained by the size of my head. Maybe, I will go into the carnival life. I could probably make more money there than here. Anyway, I have learned my lesson. Dont tell Rob his post sucked for the day or you will find a picture of yourself with a giant head on his site the next day.

Anonymous said...

I wanna wish Rob, and all his loyal readers a Merry Christmas. Hope Santa brings you all that you asked for, and God bless and protect you until Monday!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Good story! And you know it was good because I was able to get all the way through it without letting my mind wander. And Tim, you are such a good sport.


Rob said...

Yeah, I know it. See the thing was... I knew it was two words, and I could almost see the name, and hear it. But just couldn't quite put a finger on it. And then Trevor googled it, and I broke down after a while and asked him. Good question - hate you PJ. hate you.