Friday, December 10, 2004

Christmas Tree's and Third Nipples

Alright, in case anyone forgot, Christmas is rapidly approaching. And to help solitify this fact we set up our Tree at work. Now I'm not sure if it's just because my family is way behind in Artificial Christmas Tree Technology... but just in case I'm not the only one, you're not gonna belive this. Setting up the tree at the French household involves dragging down a large box and the unpacking all the individual limbs into piles on the floor. Then, through a highly scientific process of guessing at random, figuring out which one is the biggest and therefore the base. Opening up all the branches, sticking them in the tree and then the whole process of testing the strands of lights, swaping lights out for a half hour trying to figure out why strands didn't work, everyone getting frustrated and eventually coughing out the $10 to buy all new strands at Walmart. Need I go on? ANYWAYS! This Christmas tree at work is amazing. it comes in 4 pieces: Stand, bottom, middle and top. The lights are already on and attached to the limbs. The limbs are all on hinges so when you set it up they all fall into place. You plug in 4 plugs (one for each of the 3 sections and one for the outlet.) And on top of all that it frickin' rotates. Only took like 10 minutes, MAX, to set up. I'm amazed. But that's enough of that.

This is also something else I wanted to educate all of my readers about... and this is important, so listen up. If you ever are caught in a house/car fire and suffer severe burns over a majority of your body, and need a skin graft... you need to be aware of this first: YOU CAN GROW EXTRA NIPPLES!!!!

I try my best to clue you in to what's going on in my life, and also try and provide you with a bit of educational material as well. I really try my best here people, so please feel free to give me suggestions on how to make this better. Rob cares about you...

And for the daily question:
In 'Back To The Future', where did Doc Brown get the plutonium to power the time-travelling DeLorean?


Anonymous said...

My memory on this one is a little fuzzzy, but I believe he got it by duping some Libyan terrorists into giving him money to buy it for them off of the Black Market.

BTW, That nipple is some of the sickest shit I have ever seen!


Anonymous said...

Hey you
Doc Brown got the plutonium from terrorists... it could be a total lie... but I'm going with it.


Anonymous said...

Doc Brown got the plutonium from Libian terriorists. They had hired the Doc to build them a bomb and given the plutoniumto him, and in turn he had given them a shiny bomb casing with pinball machine parts inside. I can't make this up, somethign about that question immediatly triggered this instant recall of that exact line.
This recall has always failed to click in on any test, ever.

Anonymous said...

I have a confession to make. I didn't actually know the answer to that trivia question... I know that mine wasn't nearly as detailed as Trevor's or Josh's, but I have to admit that I didn't actually know it. I didn't Google it, but I do have a resource named Bob. So I cheated... but I almost felt special that I "knew" the answer for once. Sorry... I suck.


Scott said...

Ro, I have to say that your honesty is beautiful. You cheated, didn't get caught, then felt bad and confessed even though it was through a source that is not half as bad as Google. Way to go, I'm sure you can't read this right now as you're out feeding the homeless. So adjust your halo and feel good about yourself...

Although I do wonder how much of your confession was a result of me getting busted so hard. Oh well, I guess doing the right thing isn't about motivation as much as result. Nice job - Scott

Anonymous said...

Hope this comment finds everyone in the Christmas spirit. This was the weekend that the French's put up the "Christmas Tree" but much to Rob's disappointment I had purchased new lights in advance so none of the testing of lights this year. The tree went up in only a couple of hours but really this is something that we have done for years and until this blog I never knew of his frustrations with the whole event. Anyway, to let everyone know that after the tree was up and wrapped gifts were placed under the tree one of the branches broke on the lower half of the tree and is now being propped up by a gift, so it looks as if the French's will be purchasing a new tree this year after the holidays, ummm maybe a pre-lit tree, but then what will we do with the 900 lights I just bought?

Anonymous said...

After feeding the homeless, curing the sick and striving to create world peace I was finally able to read your comment. I'm touched. And I did see that you got busted. I thought it was great because you were just so confident that no one would know. And I commend you for that. This world needs more confident (blatantly arrogant) individuals.
