Monday, December 27, 2004

My Post-Christmas Post

Alright, I hope you all enjoyed the story of Tim. And if you would like to hear more stories, all you need do is ask. After all, I am here to please. I also hope you all had a very merry Christmas and got lots of awesome presents. So that's all I really want for today. I want to hear what you all got for christmas (at least one thing.) I know Rene didn't get what she was really hoping for... but she made out pretty well. The Ryder boys were happy, from my understanding. And I KNOW Co-Worker Tim did well for himself - but I will let everyone explain their own. But on to more important things... ME!

My biggest gift this year was a heavy kicking bag, so now I can practice at home and hopefully not hurt myself quite so much. And I got a leather case for my weapons, so I can throw out the towel that I keep them wrapped in while I carry them around. Let's see... I got new, clean clothes so I can throw away the dirty ones, a rice steamer so my girlfriend's family will accept me, and cash. I also got some DVD's (Return of the King, Spiderman II, and Harry Potter). And I got EQII (Scott knows what I'm talking about.) All in all, I made out like a bandit.

So I see this as a primo opportunity for some of you who NEVER post to let us know either a) what you got or b) some short Christmas anecdote. For example at the table this year, we heard my Great Aunt and this other guy, Tom, discuss their entire family history. She ended up knowing his dad, and both family saided over on the Pinta or something like that. Anyways, after it was all over, and Tom got up. My Great Aunt leaned over to my other aunt and was like, "So, who is that nice man?" Apparently after (litterally) 20 minutes of family history, they never got to present day and she didn't know why he was even there. It was hilarious in a sad sorta way.

So, that about sums it up for me. We need a good quote or something...
Oh! How about some Friday the 13th trivia? What was the killer's name (first and last) and location of the killings in the first and then the second movies?


Rob said...

I JUST thought of something. I want to implement a rating system. Be honest, you can't hurt my feelings, I'm not a vendictive type or anything. I think you should rate my post for that day with a star rating system... or thumbs or whatever you feel like, as long as it's informative. So there you go. Post and rate away!

John Howard said...

Jason Vorhees, Crystal Lake

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk. For shame. It was Camp Crystal Lake, for both movies I believe, and the killer in the first movie was Mrs. Voorhees (dont remember the first name) and Jason Voorhees in the second. as far as christmas shtuff, here goes.

2 pairs of black pants
2 sweaters
1 GB Packers Brett Favre T-Shirt (side note, RIP Reggie White :( )
League of Extrordinary Gentlemen
$40.00 in Best Buy Gift Cards
1 Fleece Jacket
1 pair Tennis shoes
1 pair Dress shoes
more to come when I go to fiancee's family's house this weekend.

Christmas anecdote, I introduced my family to the term FUBAR. They spent about a good half hour laughing their asses off afterwards, especially when I mentioned a friend of mine wanted to get a cat and name it FUBAR, and my mom bust up laughing about a FUBARd pussy. funny shit.

Anonymous said...

Funny story/Christmas present...a few weeks ago my adorable three-year old little son literally blew up my microwave by placing a metal spoon with a plastic handle in there. I smelled burning rubber, saw black smoke billowing out of it, then a loud pop noise, the microwave stopped working, I had to throw water in there to put out the stuff let me tell you, and anyway...I got a new one for Christmas, but this one is push buttons and not a stupid nob (that's how old the old microwave was), so my sweet little boy can't figure it out!

Also, Christmas Eve we were watching some stupid cartoon and Santa came to visit the characters of the show. My adorable little boy looked at me and asked when Santa was coming to visit, I replied tonight while you're being so innocent and adorable, he ran into his bed, threw on his covers, pretended to snore and said "I'm asleep now, Santa can come!" He's a cuttie!


Anonymous said...

Woops, forgot to rate the site....I would give it 3 out of 4 stars....I need these posts earlier in the day to give me something to do with mornings! All in all, good stuff!


Anonymous said...

Umm... Favorite present this year... My kids bought me a beautiful birthstone ring. My dog bought me a radio headset and amoung many other things... $100 bucks for a new print for my bedroom, bathrobe, slippers, 25 pennies (Jamie)?, a watch, perfume and a vibrator foot thing.. kind of neat. I also got a picture of my sister in law and her mother framed! very unusual but she is related to the Tom character in Rob's story.

I don't know the stupid names for the movies. I hate that game, and if I do know them someone always beats me to it.

I would rate this site 4 out of 4, it is very entertaining but I agreed the post should be earlier in the day. Mom French

Scott said...

Dude, I just had a moment of nerd joy. You got EQII? Friggin. Awesome. You're probably already set up and such, but before you get too far into it you should know this: play on the Najena server. That's my server, I own it. They almost named it the 'Scott Gresham Server' but I was like, no. Name it after that hot Dark Elf chick from Lavastrom in EQ1. And name a galaxy after me. Fortunately they saw the light and listened to me.

Anyway the Gresham Family Christmas. Oh what a tale there is to tell. I was going to blog it in my own blog, but I'll give you some bits and pieces. I was basically gyped, but completely, and rediculously happy this Christmas. Why you ask? Because I got an iPod. FINALLY! Four years of pissing and moaning finally pays off. I also got socks, one of those awesome bowls of mist that changes color, a bathrobe (which I have worn for 3 days), sweat pants, and finally, the title to my car...that I already paid for and drive everyday. Hmmm, the parents decided to just give me and Ross our cars. EXCEPT THAT HE NEVER PAID FOR HIS!!!!! That's fairly unfair. But my parents, seeing this decided to put the money I spent on my car into my trip to Europe the summer of 2006.

So all is well in the Gresham household. Except that my ears hurt from the damned uncomfortable iPod headphones, but other than that it's all gravy baby. Look me up on EQII, my characters are Quien Amorpheous and Gandor Dumbledalf (check out that name mix, I'm brilliant!) - Scott

Anonymous said...

Wow...I missed a lot over the past week. Poor Tim, I had no idea his past was so traumatic, though, I must admit, I've always kind of wondered why he smells like cotton candy.

This was a great Christmas. Non-materialistically speaking, we got to visit both families, though we had to travel about 1,000 miles to do so. Now, for the fun stuff...the loot!! Cleaned up well this year, got a big, fat check from my parents (shhh...don't tell hubby); sparkly jewelry from aforementioned hubby; sheets; smelly perfume, lotion & candles; gift cards for various places; Bourne Identity & Bourne Supremacy; a couple of cd's and the obligatory Eeyore stuffed animal.

Oh, and the best (as in sentimental) gift was my Mom & Dad's 55 year old Silver, which came with the condition that I was "not to tell my (5) sisters", or they'd grouse--old beeyotches. Fortunately, I don't think they're fans of Rob's Office Space (yet). Do you think I should be concerned that my parents are giving away heirlooms?? Hmmm...maybe they're just planning on skipping town & thought the silver would weigh them down.

Back to work tomorrow, after 10 days off, it's gonna be rough.
