Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Nerds, Hamsters, Resolutions and Pizza!

Lets see... a couple of things to address.
For one, Scotty, lets get one thing clear. There will be no more nerdgasims or dorkbursts on this site. And just so everyone else knows, yesterday I spent working out, drinking beer, killing my own dinner and watching Sports Center. I did nothing "nerdy" like sit around and play online video games all day. The only time I was ever even in contact with nerds was when I went to the library to beat a few up after dinner. I have a girlfriend.

Ok, now that my ego's been a bit re-enforced, on to other issues. Other issues like Angry Hamsters and Good Stress Relief. Trevor brought this back to my attention, after not having seen it in years... and it's awesome. Check out "THE BOSS" (warning, it take a few moments to load, and the screen just pulses for a while.) Ahhhh... Good stuff.

And finally, New Years Resolutions. For me, it's gonna be to find new ways to avoid doing mail at work. Today I kidnapped the dry-erase board that was previously used as a calender, but has been blank for the last 3 or so weeks. I dub'd it "Rob's Board" and put all sortsa good, work related info up there. We'll see how long this lasts - I bet it gets taken away from me by the powers that be, soon enough.

Trivia: Trevor, you can't answer this - we just discussed it the other day, I KNOW you know it... What movie personality sported a hockey mask and often wielded a golf club?

Anyways--Peace, Love and all that Jazz I'm out of here.


CHRISTMAS FOAMY!!! Warning, don't click if you are offended by the F-Word. I think its awesome that there are some words that only need to be refered to by the first letter, and everyone knows what they're talking about. I wish one day to be refered to only as "Rob" and everyone from New York to California would know EXACTLY which Rob was being refered to... me. That's my dream.


Rob said...

*picks jaw up from floor*

wow... that has to be... the single... most disturbing thing... wow...

This is a WARNING to all my loyal readers. PJ's Cartoon is jacked up. Not offensive, or vulgar, or funny or anything, just creepy. And wierd. and disturbing...

Scott said...

Sorry, you pushed the geek button I was not responsible for what happened next. But I agree, I generally keep that sort of thing on the DL. When I'm out working on cars, mountain climbing, skiing, banging chicks or moonshining it doesn't usually come up. But fear not, I've shot my geek wad and I'm spent. No more on that.

Moving right along: I'm just amazed with the internet. Just when I decide I've seen everything out there and there are no surprises leve, PJ drops that bomb on me. I felt like I was on acid, and not the good acid; I mean the acid someone passes you at a concert. That was a bad trip man. I think some hallucinogins would help the experience though. I'll find out later...

And the answer to your query Mr. I-know-movie-trivia is Kasey Jones (my personal hero) from the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. No googling - Scott

Anonymous said...

Creepy creepy creepy. I have never been so creeped out in my entire life. I only watched the first in the Salad Fingers series. And I am highly disturbed. I don't think I blinked once throughout that entire cartoon. I kind of wanted to watch the rest of the Salad Fingers series but was too scared to click on the rest of them. So creepy...


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to back Ro up on this one. Dang! Maybe I'll sleep tonight, maybe I won't. Either way, I'll be thinking about rusty kitchen utensils. Puts a bit of a damper on the post-Christmas cheer, eh?

Well, happy holidays and all that goodness. I have to get back to my general Christmas slobbing about.


"I caught you a delicious bass."

Anonymous said...

PS - I haven't checked your blogs in a week or so (sorry I'm not a devoted acolyte). A few throwback comments to things I missed:

- Is the picture of you and Ro from my wedding? If so, who sent you the email? Where can I see these photos? (as if I don't have enough already) And since when am I a "friend"? Did you forget my name or something? And if it wasn't my wedding, why didn't you just say so instead of putting me on this rant? Jeez, Rob.

- You can preorder copies of HP6 on Amazon. Copies are about $18 instead of twice that, which you'll be expected (happy?) to pay at bookstores this summer.
