Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tim A. Beiser

After yesterday's post, my co-worker Tim approached me with his "insight." More or less, his opinion was "Your post sucked for today." When I say more or less, I mean that's exactly it. Am I mad? Am I angry that this person can try and pass off so much judgment when he has no idea what its like trying to be interesting every day? No, a lesser man would be mad. Not I. I decided to get to the root of the problem. No, the root of the problem is not my posting ability, but instead young Timothy's own mental dysfunctions that prohibit his appreciation of my blog. And what I found out, is to under stand, you have to go all the way back to the beginning...

The Story of Tim

You've heard stories of children being lost at young ages and being raised by wolves... this is not one of those. It was a clear night in Eatontown, NJ where Richard and Diane Bundy were enjoying themselves at the seasonal festival. They had ridden all the rides and eaten their fill of saltwater taffy and funnel cakes, and were now pursuing the fun and games section of the carnival. Now Diane had her eyes on the oversized Tweety Bird that could be won by tossing the rings over the bottles. Now what you may not have known about this story is that both people suffered, separately, from rare, different, genetic, mental disorders. Richard, or "Dickies" as his friends called him (from the brand of overalls he always wore) couldn't quiet grasp the concept and went through $48 throwing the rings at the bottles (breaking 3) and not understanding why the nice man with the hook arm wouldn't give him the Tweety Bird. This saddened Diane, and she fell to the ground crying. But then Dickies got an idea. He decided to barter with the carnie. It was the Ring Toss Pirate's understanding that Dickies was going to give him a Timex Watch in exchange for the Bird. And since Tweety was made by sweat shop children and cost him very little, he figured a watch would fetch a better price than the stuffed animal and agreed to the conditions. Dickies ran back to his car and fetched Timex to trade. To the great surprise of the carnie, "Timex" was not a watch at all... but the sad, mentally challenged couples child. Apparently they had named this poor, ill-fated child (with an unusually large head) "Timex" after the father's watch. The Carnie, seeing a rare opportunity, agreed to thier terms nonetheless and accepted Timex as one of his own (if by one of his own, you mean clothed in a potato sack, beaten regularly with a sock full of jollyranchers, and made to sleep in the man's rusty pickup truck.) The man did however realize the ridiculousness of the child's name, and shorten it... to Tim. And that's this man, John Beiser, became Timex's new loving father. And this is where Tim spent the majority of his childhood, until the age of 14 when...

To Be Continued...

So there you go, tune in tomorrow for more of "The Story of Tim"

By the way, the correct answer was Earth Angel... way to go PJ. And welcome to my website! What you didn't know was the rules of the game, so I'll inform you now. Since you won the trivia, it's your turn to post a new 80's movie/tv trivia question. The only rules are, googling is not allowed. Goodnight all!

P.S. Did I know I went too far? Yes. Of course I did. But the bastard said my post sucked.


Anonymous said...


As always, your posts are a delightful 5 minute distraction from the boringness that is work. Thank you for your creativity!


Anonymous said...

Ya know, Rob. Now that I think about it, Tim does seem to have an unusually ginormous noggin. It's kinda like this weird dual trait Pinky and the Brain thing going on. He got all of the Brain's disproportionately large head, but Pinky's intelligence capabilites. Surreal.


Anonymous said...

Tim, I don't know you but I have seen your picture in the group of pics Rob took the day you guys did the Christmas tree at work. I think you look very nice. Please accept my apologies for my son. He can be......... well harsh for a better word. But remember this is the holidays and try and overlook his creativity and lack of simulation that makes him go off on these random venting. To all of Rob's devoted fans, and co workers, Happy Holidays and thanks for putting up with my Rob. Mom French

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob, going back to pics we would like to see there anyway we could see a pic of this Timex (aka Tim) character or maybe a pic of just his head? I'm extremely intrigued by Trevor's pinky and the brain analogy. Interesting.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I believe that my head is of normal size and shape. But anyway, I am glad that I gave Rob his inspiration for his post today, and however long he decides he needs to retell my life story.

Scott said...

I'm back cracka. And with only slight injuries. I've read your last few entries and have a slew of comments I'm going to throw into this post.

First of all, wow. Congrats on your disproportionately hot girlfriend. I mean seriously, are you tricking her? Like is some kind of Rumplestillskin thing going on here? And Ro, I can only assume that you're a pretty deep person. But I guess not everyone can go by looks. Congrats on not being shallow.

Secondly, yes I am down with the HP. And you should be honored that I choose to share that with you all, because that is a well guarded secret. I read all the books in two weeks. What a sad, strange, unproductive two weeks it was. Not to mention it was during finals, which I neglected because I wanted to see how Harry got himself through the Tri-Wizard Tourney. I also follow JK Rowling's site pretty well. I've discovered all there is to discover, I cracked the brick code to get to the secret area that (for two days) revealed the title of the new book early. That is a really cool site. I'm overly stoked about the new book comming out.

Nextly, excellent story. Harsh, edgy, and just a bit sad...if taken seriously. Other than that, quality work. If this "real job" thing doesn't work out, you should look into comedy writing. (As should, Tim and Scott. I really like the work of that Scott clever. What?! That's me? Well, I didn't mean to toot my own horn, but when I did what a sweet sound it made...)

Good to see you've been busy while I've been away, now off to update my own blog.

- Scott

Rob said...

Dammit PJ... Good Question.

Here's the thing... I can almost "see" and "hear" the name in my head, but I just can't make it out. They even make such a big deal about it in the second one... he has the sketch and shows Mr. Clamp. Arughh! Can't think... of... name...